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Travelling overseas with PBS meds


As some of you know, I am taking my son overseas next week. My dad is turning 80, and I promised I'll be there. It was not easy taking time off work this time, as others beat me to it and I had to do lots of RDO swaps and collegues to work for me to get a total of three weeks off.

I have to take my son with me as I he is not capable living on his own at this stage. I am quite happy to pay for the extra ticket, as long as he stays well and meds commpliant...

We organised a final visit with his psychiatrist last Friday, picked up the precribed meds and a letter for Border Patrol too.

I think it was either @Former-Member or @patientpatient, who sent me a link I might need more and I have been studying those links in the early morning hours as I was awake anyway.  

It seem we need a Certificate of the land of Destination from the Health Authorities there. This we have to show exiting Australia, during transit and upon arrival just to make sure it is on the list of approved medications to take with you. 

Fair enough so I contact the Embassy and they sent me the same links as my mates at SANE sent me.

I start to feel like a victim again, and I emailed the Consulate this back:


Thank you for quick responds. 


I have looked at the links you gave me, however Holland is not in the list CAK provides, the Netherlands Antilles is listed but not The Netherlands, or Holland. (overzicht  van landen) 

De website is designed for people travelling from Holland..


Also I cannot see the meds by son has been prescribed on the Opium list, apart from his sleeping tablets. I think I will convince him to leave them home, and we see if we can get it there. He doesn’t really need them, Doctor prescribed them just in case.


I have spend many many hours looking at these sites but not helpful, I will try ringing the number myself - I have no energy left at moment to try to contact the Qatar Embassy as well. 

I am convinced he will be allowed thru with his meds, He is compliant and we should encourage him to keep taking his meds, not take it off him or get threatened with fines and jail! 


It’s not easy being a carer…I cannot leave him home alone either, as we have no other family in WA   😞 




I just have to wait till they wake up on the other side of the globe, so I can ring the Border Patrol there myself. Lucky I have a day off today as it is Public Holiday in WA. 

When at work I dont have much time for private overseas calls, and we have the timedifference to consider.

Thanks for listening, I hope to help someone with this one day as most govt. websites are so unclear.





Re: Travelling overseas with PBS meds

How awful to receive such a runaround

the office of the consulate should be helping you with this

important for son to have arrival as simple as possible, as well as yourself

take care @Grasshopper3

wishing you both a smooth journey and enjoyable trip xxxxx


Re: Travelling overseas with PBS meds

I've managed to find the email address for the Qatar Embassy via the Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trace, and flicked them an email.

Normally meds are of such confidential nature, now I send emails left right and centre with my sons diagnoses and forced to name the kind of precribed meds he is on... It feels I am breaching his privacy, but what he doesnt know...

I tried ringing Border Patrol in Holland to, today, but you've guessed it, they have a Public Holiday. A family friend in Holland will try tomorrow for me.

Then there is trouble in Qatar at the moment and lots of flights are being cancelled. It seems our flight will still be ok, but according to the News, Qatar is being cut of by six surrounding countries. 

I'm trying not to overthink, stop my brain and need to go to sleep. Work tomorrow.


Re: Travelling overseas with PBS meds

We are all set to go....

suitcases packed, passports ready, PSB meds ready with lots of letters, emails and all will be ok.

two more sleeps. 


Re: Travelling overseas with PBS meds

Wishing you a very safe and fun adventure, enjoy yourselves!!

Looking forward to hearing about it when you return @Grasshopper3 🙂

Re: Travelling overseas with PBS meds

Hope your trip goes well @Grasshopper3 and that Colgate man finds joy in the trip too.
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