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Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie @creative_writer hope you don't mind me adding my two cents! 


I remember talking to my psych about anger, and she spoke of anger being a 'secondary emotion' - i.e. it is an emotion that arises from another emotion, in this case usually pain or shame. I've found it to be true for my own life, and being able to identify the underlying emotion means I can address both; I can find an outlet or release for the rage whilst also nurturing and being empathetic towards the part of me that is hurting. It's really helped me to understand my anger better so I thought I'd pass it on 😉

Re: My special place

I can understand that @creative_writer 

I carry a lot of shame too. At others, but especially at myself.


Being shut down in the past can be hard. But it is more of a 'them' problem. Thise people that shut you down just don't know how to deal with it. They have no clue.

I hope you have people around you now that allow you to talk about it, that allow you that space.


Re: My special place

Good on ya @creative_writer - one task complete! You get a gold star! 


Do you have supports at your uni/college for extensions or learning support? I wonder if you could reach out to someone for some extra time or info?


However, on the other hand.. Is it possible to have a slow evening tonight? Unscramble your thoughts a little, perhaps indulge in something that brings you joy to mute the noisy classroom of kids that are currently present?

Re: My special place

@Jynx I do think anger often covers up other emotions. The thing is I have never been good at letting emotions go, my natural instinct is to suppress, my brain is like if I don’t think, I don’t feel.

@Snowie I honestly don’t have many people in my life. I know I have very few friends who would be willing to talk but I just don’t. Nor can I catch up with them in person, when your closest friends live too far away

@PizzaMondo already got extensions. I have time to finish assignments, module content would have to wait to another date, those “module quizzes” are not assessed so can be done anytime. I want to finish two assignments by Sunday, one I’m in the final stages of, the other one I’ve started researching and write up of today. I am living on the edge, I procrastinated too much. They’re both 3000 words

Re: My special place

Totally agree with you @Jynx I think anger does mask other emotions.


@creative_writer the only people I talk to are my supports. I don't have any friends/family that I would talk to about my mental health.

Remember it's not the same, but you have us on here to listen.

Re: My special place

@Snowie it’s hard. Sometimes the people closest to you aren’t equipped to cope with complex mental health. I have had people say why don’t you talk to your mum. I’m happy other people can, but it’s never been me. I don’t have the supports others have in their personal lives

Re: My special place

@creative_writer Mm it's deffo harder when you've been conditioned to suppress everything, much harder to sit without judgement, and examine and acknowledge the emotions as they arise. Plus, there's the social conditioning layered on top of what you learned whilst still developing. Outward expressions of emotion are often punished in a lot of social situations, either by invalidating the emotion or ostracising the person expressing it. There's so many factors at play, so you being 'not good at letting emotions go' is not because of some personal failing or ineptitude. I know you know this, but sometimes it bears repeating, esp when we're battling shame. 


It's funny your words remind me of the movie Frozen, 'conceal, don't feel' is the mantra Elsa uses to suppress her ice magic (ironically, the warning given by trolls is 'learn to control it' which the parents skew to 'conceal it, don't feel it', which then gets further skewed by Elsa to 'conceal, don't feel'. Just interesting how words and their meanings can transform over time into an unhealthy belief). Perhaps you could pop on 'Let It Go' and sing along emphatically as a way of releasing some of the energy 😂😉


@Snowie aye, anger can be a tricky one - it's so closely associated with aggression, it emerges from other emotional states, and is basically our 'fight' response manifesting. How you travelling this evening hun? 

Re: My special place

Would that be something you might start looking in to @creative_writer Getting some supports on place. I know Sane has a guided service that I have used before. It's not an extended support but it did help me. @Jynx might be able to lead you in the right direction.


@Jynx I am ok thanks for asking. Whilst my thoughts still are not great, they are better than they have been lately so will take that as a win. I also didn't need as much prn meds today so that's good too. 


How are you?

Re: My special place

@Snowie oh yeah deffo a win! I'm glad today has been easier on you hun. I'm well, thanks for asking! Had a couple peeps over for a movie night on the weekend and so my soul is happy. And I currently have a purring cat on my lap too, so double yay. Did you get up to much today? 

Re: My special place

Have got a dog on my lap making little snoring sounds at the moment @Jynx 

I wish I could sleep like she does!!


Went out with daughter this morning. Did some clothes shopping. She scored very well, I paid for it all! She had the day of uni so was nice to spend some time with her.

Other than that just some things around the house this afternoon.