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Re: My special place

Good morning @NatureLover 

Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.


I do know hospital is something I have to consider. Most of my brain is rejecting it yet a small part thinks it's a good idea. I have a few appointments coming up for my mum with her dementia. I also have D's operation coming up too. We always tell others to put themselves first, yet especially with my mum, she has no one else to take her. Unfortunately, it is me or no one.


It can certainly be a toss up inside our heads at times. The want to end things versus the want to keep going. Voices inside of you screaming to be heard.


On a good note, I slept through the night without any prn. I'm taking that as a win.

Am hoping that since it is a Sunday night they won't stay for too long, with work and school the next day.

Waiting for the kids to wake up so we can have some breakfast together. They both worked late last night so might be waiting a awhile. I think it might turn into brunch!!


I hope today goes ok for you hon. Sending lots of love and hugs right back to you 💕💕

Re: My special place

Thanks for not being cross with me for my question @Snowie .


I know that around here we have a volunteer service of drivers, who drive elderly or disabled people to their medical appts. I'm not sure if they go in with them to the appt though. I wish I could remember the name. I see the cars on the road occasionally. Is that something you could google for in your area? And you could ask whether they go in with the client to their appt? 


Also  if you were in hospital, would your brother have to take your mother to her appts? 


I'm so glad you got such a good night's sleep without meds 🙂💙


Thanks for your kind and caring words when you must have hardly anything left in your tank 😥

Re: My special place

I could never be cross with you @NatureLover 

I know your question was coming from a place of care.


I could have a look into that. I've never heard of them driving people to appts. 


Asking my brother to take her would be certainly interesting. He made my mum take his name of her emergency contact list so he wouldn't get a phone call. I haven't spoken to him in over 3 years.


I am hoping the sleep last night helps throughout today. Yes those thoughts are still there but not as strong. Will take that as a win too.


No matter what I am going through, my forum family is so important to me. You are important to me.

Re: My special place

Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I care about you a lot @Snowie 💙


I know things are very difficult with your brother 😣


I will try to remember the name of the volunteer car driving service. 


I'm glad you've had 2 wins today 🙂 I had the same thought, that it might help you on your tough demanding day. I hope so 🤞

Re: My special place

I decided a long time ago not to let my brothers actions affect me @NatureLover 

I know my mum still sees him.


I'm sure google will help with the search! I am hoping after the next appointment that we can put some supports in place for her.


I think we need to take any wins, no matter how small they are. To not just focus on the big things. 


How are you going?

Re: My special place

@Snowie  I was thinking of you yesterday evening with your big did it go?


I remembered the name of the volunteer driving service, but the name is local to me so I can't post the name. However, I googled, and on my local council website, I found a page called "Community Transport" with 3 transport services! Two were low cost and one was free. So I'm thinking you could maybe look on your local council website? 


When is the next appt for your mother? 


I'm going OK thanks. 

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie.


I hope tea went ok for you last night. 

Hope you have a good day. 

Re: My special place

Hi @NatureLover

Thanks for the info. I will look into our local council and see what they have available.

The next appt. is on Thursday. Have to head to the hospital for a PET Scan. Then the Doctors next Monday.


@NatureLover @Captain24 Tea went ok. Was nice to see everyone. Everyone else was talking so didn't have to do much of that. Think because it was a Sunday night they didn't stay too late.

Was exhausted by the time they all left so thankful to fall into bed. At least sleep came easily!!


Been out this morning with D to a few shops. I think she likes going with me since I end up paying! Home now with a cuppa.


I hope both of your days are going ok.



Re: My special place

@creative_writer haven't spoken to you for awhile hon. I hope things are going ok for you.


Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie sorry finding it hard to keep up. The other day I had lots of notifications, so blessed to get those, but I fear I might have missed something or forgotten. How are you doing?