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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Wishing you well @Eve7  hope this admission goes ok and it’s what you need. đź’•

Re: Morning has broken

đź’—Best wishes

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 , I know you're not online at the moment, but just wanted to send you my good thoughts and wishes and đź’›

Re: Morning has broken

Afternoon @Eve7 

I know you are not online but not sure if you are getting notifications at all.

Just wanted to stop by and say that I'm thinking of you and sending a bucket load of squishy hugs your way đź’—đź’—

I hope things are improving and this stay is helping.


Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Snowie thanks for the squishy hugs. I'm doing ok at present and have had my second ECT this morning but can't say it's kicked in yet. I also went to group like a good patient but ready for a Nana nap now.


How has your day been? I'm missing you all. xox

Re: Morning has broken

With my ect it took about 4-5 sessions before it kicked in @Eve7 

Well done for getting to a group. That can be really daunting at times.

A Nana nap sounds good!


My day ok. Missing you too but glad you are in the right place.

Re: Morning has broken

I guess I’m expecting too much @Snowie 



Re: Morning has broken

We all react differently to it @Eve7 Just because it takes that many sessions for me doesn't mean it won't be quicker for you. Hopefully it kicks in a bit quicker for you.



Re: Morning has broken

Thanks for checking in @Eve7  🙂


Glad you are doing OK...hope the ECT kicks in soon. đź’›

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @NatureLover hope your day goes well and it’s not too cold 🥶 for you in Melbourne.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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