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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @creative_writer  and greetings to you too, thanks. not the best atm. but one of Lifes crazy lessons again or something ha ha lol 

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB sending you hugs 💖🫂. Life is interesting and unpredictable. Are you up to much this evening?

Re: Good Morning!


Afternoon sane friends, have been absent from here for a while on n off

Have been having breakdowns on and off,  thinking my Meds need to be re looked at but my Doctor can't change anything it has to come from my psychiatrist which finally I am seeing him Wednesday but bit worried cause he doesn't like changing my meds when I have asked him in the past.


Have just been living in my bedroom cause agraphobia and panick attacks are all back and when I've gone out with my groups that I Normally like this time feel nothing just numb inside and don't enjoy anything anymore.


Hope everyone is doing ok and keeping safe, sorry haven't been able to keep up to date with you all, do try when I'm feeling a bit ok sometimes 

@PeppyPatti @creative_writer @TAB @Historylover @Glisten @Shaz51 @MDT 

@tonys @tyme @Former-Member @Adge @outlander @greenpea 

and all others

Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon hey Saturnzoon, sorry you have not been well. Hope your psychiatrist can help on Wednesday. Good luck. Take care

Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon thanks for checking in, I'm sorry things are so tough right now. I hope you can get your meds looked at, and that your psych listens and is open to an adjustment. Can be super frustrating trying to find the right ones! Fingers crossed for you. 


That numbness is really tough, I think there's many here who would be able to relate to what you're experiencing hun. We all understand that sometimes we just don't have it in us to be checking in and chatting all the time. Sometimes all our energy just has to go towards looking after ourselves, and it sounds like you're doing just that. Sending you some hugs hun 🫂🫂 May things start shifting for you soon 💜

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @saturnzoon  I wish things were a bit easier for you. Don't have to apologise, that's okay. I went to cardiologist yest, after 7month wait , getting heart re-started sometime lol also saying if i dont lose wieght, get sleep apnoea fixed etc no point, wont help that much. so having a reality check, all while new crown just done fell out after nearly5 months playing around back and forth to dentist turns out is just as hopeless as local one I was trying to avoid. they need to have at least 2 attempts at everything and charge to fix their own bad work. What a life.

Re: Good Morning!

aah .. (audible involuntary exhale just then reading this ..)  I dont deserve hugs and wouldnt know what to do with it. plus would have to be orangutan or olympic rower to get arms around me last few years ha ha lol

..Thanks. I'm warm. weak but not in pain.

Being set challenges here lol.


Thanks @creative_writer I might have another go at my bottleshop in kitchen cupboard, bit surprised how much is there.Last 2 nights barely made a dent in it.

probs work a plan out w GP , well while running stock down to something I can perceive myself as being able to throw out lol . maybe will 'give'some away yet. like leave on a fence post. someone will take it if still sealed. or do give away/sell on fb

Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon feeling numb is really rough and can be super uncomfortable. I’m here to chat if you want. I know grounding helps me when I feel myself disassociating, is there anything that helps you feel more in tuned with your senses? Just a suggestion. Sending you hugs 💖🫂

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB it is hard to feel like we are worthy of support at times, I have sure had moments like those. I convinced myself everything would be better off without me disrupting their life. I’m not even sure how I got through it, I just did. I guess it was a combination of meds, therapy and self care, and sometimes the brain magically feels better you know because emotions make no sense to my logical brain. I feel like I’m trying to make a point but I don’t even know what point I’m trying to make. Don’t mind me rambling. I hope reaching out to your GP helps. Do you have other supports you can reach out to as well? 💖

Re: Good Morning!

just gets too hard when its all back on me @creative_writer  cos I am the one that created the problem .. der .. 

only said dr as saw them as sympathetic/aware of things like withdrawals etc.  they put me in hosp overnight for obs couple months ago . sometimes when i land in hosp I go oh cant I have a val cos might help me . this time said nothing, they gave me 2 cos am so big and B1 shot. and a dinner and breakfast and a shower lol