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Re: A question for the ladies

@greenpea no ask away, if i was embarrassed i wouldnt have started this thread.

yeah im not feeling the greatest today, i had symptoms of it coming about a week ago ut they werent normal for me either.

i have spoken to my nurse (who also thinks theres something more going on and was the one who made the comment in the first place that it wasnt normal) i spoke to 2 drs one of which was better but shes not here now.

i had an external ultrasound done a yr ago which due to my weight at the time they couldnt get a clear picture so was inconclusive, bloods tests not to long ago, and i get them done every 2 months due to meds but they done the works last time including pregnancy test and bloody everything and it all come back clear.

yes ive had a pap smear almost 2 yrs ago so is coming back up to that time as well.

Re: A question for the ladies

and whats worse is as of tomorrow arvo right through to sunday i have alot of walking to do and im camping 😞 which makes things worse and harder as its not the comfort of home

Re: A question for the ladies

@outlander well you are doing everything you should looking after your health. I would definitely get another pap smear done asap (I dont have to have those done again horray!!!  :D). On a serious note though keep putting the pressure on the medicos and dont let them fob you off because my uterus was turning cancerous when they got it out. 


I have to go to bed it is pumpkin hour but promise me you will have all the tests again and more. Dont give up and say it is all too hard to have them done. One could save your life.

Re: A question for the ladies

thanks @greenpea
i have my nurse on tuesday so ill meantion it to her again and hopefully the gp will send the tests again since they are a yr old now. it is scary, im worried it is something more.

thanks for your help little pea and goodnight Heart

Re: A question for the ladies

hello @outlander@greenpea


I too had endometriosis and had an operation to cut out what they believed to be a tumour but was a large mass of endometriosis..

My sister had similar problems to you @greenpea ..she also had an hysterectomy..



Mine was not detected by ultrasound either...nothing to do with weight..I have a tiny body frame...


My gp at the time was extremely of those who think outside of the square and do not give up until they are satisfied that they have an answer..

A gp should be examing you...not a nurse...I am not sure of the circumstances there though...


I had a vaginal probe test which highlighted the mass..

Transvaginal ultrasound is a test used to look at a woman's uterus, ovaries, tubes, ... The ultrasound probe will be placed inside the vagina.

It does not a thorough picture of what is happening...


Pain wise I often had time off of work...would just have to lay down with a hot water bottle....took stronger pain killers that were often used for migraines back then...sipped water...rested..

If you are going camping...will you be able to find a spot where you  can lay down a blanket or towel and read or just close your eyes...relax...look around....?

Telling others that you have a headache and stomach ache should suffice..

The fact that you are missing out on periods altogether means that your hormones are very confused so to speak.

It is more common than people many of us were brought up believing the subject to be taboo..

This would also be affecting your self levels..


None of this is untoward or about you as a person...

It is good that you started this thread as you clearly want answers....

keep on asking the doctor questions...

take care


Re: A question for the ladies

Have been catching up on what's happening with you in this thread and the other one about selfishness, @outlander (you are not selfish!) Hugs for what you are going through with physical health, negative self talk and lack of support from family.

Also want to add another voice encouraging you to go to a GP (any GP available) about what's going on with your periods. I'd suggest it's probably nothing too sinister, but it would be definitely wise to have it checked further.

If you are nervous about seeing a GP, I'd suggest writing notes about your symptoms, any questions you have, and what outcomes you want from the doctor regarding testing and better management of your pain. When I do this, I just write in a notepad app on my mobile and refer to it while I'm in the consultation. I'd also suggest making a long appointment when you ring the reception. This gives more time for the doctor to be able to pay more attention to your needs.

Hugs again and hope you feel better soon. Heart

Re: A question for the ladies

Thank you @Sophia1 for sharing your experiences and your honest as well.

My last ultrasound was 'inconclusive' meaning they couldnt really get a clear picture mostly because I was more overweight at the time. It was suggested they run it again in a few months or when I had lost some weight but that never happened mostly because of medication side effects making me gain more than I could loose.
I have a womens health nurse who mostly focusses on weight management for me but also all aspects of womens health. The only thing is she cant prescribe meds or run tests, the gp has to do that except for pap smears but the gp still has to sign it for it to be sent off.

Im having an issue with my current gp, that being I dont feel comfortable around her, I have talked to her and so has my nurse and so so run a heap of bloods which come back clear. They werent suspecting endometrosis, they were suspecting PCOS. Which would explain abit if that was the case. For anything to be confirmed (unless they send me off to a specialist which they dont want to do either) id need 2/3 things. One is physical symptoms- which I have, the other is the blood tests need to show something or an ultrasound needs to show something.
My nurse again suggested I undergo the transvaginal ultrasound however gp doesnt think its necessary. The rest of the drs in the clinic are males and that doesnt really suit me well either.
So im really not sure what else to do, im starting to think its just in my head.

I felt sick all night, and a thousand knots basically all over and that was after a second hot shower and pain relief. It was way to hot to have a heat pack and will be over the weekend as well and no access to a microwave either. Unfortunatly im going to be busy during the day and the night. Its for a 2 day horse event. Im leaving this arvo and will need to help with the horses, and then sat and sunday, ive got to help with the horses, im in the canteen or abit and im also part of a first aid/spotter during the cross country course thats being run so ive a lot of standing and walking around to do. Mmmm ouchy even thinking about it.

Yeah my periods are all over the place, sometimes I only get them every 3 months, I went 5 months last time, sometimes I get like false starts where I get the cramping etc but I dont get it itself, sometimes is really light and wouldnt even call it a period, other times like now it wipes me out and its really heavy. Thats why im dreading the next 2 days and 3 nights the most. Its embarrassing enough being at home having to deal with it.

Re: A question for the ladies

Thank you @Mazarita

hmm perhaps I shouldve address the above post to you as well...
I have spoken to a gp plus my nurse and them both together and my gp doesnt seem to be on board much. I would like some answers as I think it is more than stress, my stress levels while yes they are high, im in a way use to it as well because its been like it for as long as I could remember and these issues really only started 2 yrs ago, everything is so much more worse, in every aspect.
I see my nurse on tuesday so I think ill at least try to talk to her again and maybe get her to talk to my gp again and see what they think...

Re: A question for the ladies


Re: A question for the ladies

You know what my response would be to that last part now dont you? Your not adding to my problems, mine arent just going to magically dissapear overnight ( which would be amazing) besides anything you say to me is important and that includes what might be bothering you. Just because you talk to me doesnt mean your adding to my issues. I want to help you. Your part of my forum family too y'know. 💜

Mm not a fan of chamomile tea, i wouldnt be able to have it while im away though. But im sure ill have normal teas when i can.

Ill have a chat to my nurse on tuesday again, perhaps with her talking and sharing her thoughts too my gp might consider arrange even just the ultrasound or refferring me to somewhere else even though that wouldnt be great and harder to hide so to speak.