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A question for the ladies

Hi lovelies

Im wondering how much being late in your cycle affects your mental health and energy levels? 


I am late by  4 months and i dont know if thats part of the reason i feel so s**t. 

I am undergoing tests soon enough but im wondering how much this vould be affecting me atm. 


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Re: A question for the ladies

Hi @outlander 

im sure it does affect. I haven’t had a period for about 4-6 minths snd my moods depression snd emotions are everywhere. Wondering if it’s rekated to menopause. My energy levels are really low. Nit sure what to think. 

Are you going to have a blood test. 

Re: A question for the ladies

@outlander Hi outlander okay let's put it this way before I had my hysterecomy I was a volcano!!! I had a period once every 3 weeks and it was heavy. It was awful so yes you bet it really does have an impact best thing I ever did was get a hysterectomy 🙂

Not applicable

Re: A question for the ladies

@outlander Mine are regular. Only lost them when I was severely underweight. Have you spoken to the doctor? 

Re: A question for the ladies

@outlander, I am going through menopause my sister and am on HRT xx

Re: A question for the ladies



Im abit young to be going through menopause or pre-meanopause... i think....

I spoke to my womens health nurse and she is pretty concerned so will be asking gp. My nurse has said to run blood tests and also an internal ultrasound. She thinks perhaps pcos or something else as im getting less periods and when it does come it is horrendous! It is so irregular and usually heavy and very painful
My depression just keeps sinking and getting more and more irritated to the point even sleep is startinging to irritate me.

Re: A question for the ladies

@outlander periods have been miserable for me my whole life ... I feel your pain (literally)

Re: A question for the ladies

Thanks @greenpea
Its been awful for me for a long while but the past 2 yrs it got worse! Hopefully ill get some answers soon

Re: A question for the ladies

Sometimes stress can cause amenorrhea ... the body decides its not able to take on possible pregnancy.  I had it in my 20s once, but after about 10 months it came back.

Hope you get answers soon. @outlander 

Re: A question for the ladies

Its been like this for 2 yrs. Sometimes itll be 2 months then come for once or twice then stop for a few months then come a few times. In the past 2 yrs ive only had 9 periods.
I guess if nothing comes up on the tests its just stress... everything just seems to out of whack!