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Re: Life can be a Pain

thanks @Oaktree 

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Oaktree Love your garden stories and your volunteering, but know how difficult it is to keep on an even keel doing all those things for others.  It is part of the answer, but self care needs to be part.  We had Chicken Caesar 3 nights ago with my lettuce parsley and spring onion.  I am getting used to eating my homegrown green these days which is really nice.  The snails have gotten to my cauliflower leaves so it will be small, but my broccoli might be better.  First time I have grown the big dudes.  It is all the little noticing that keeps me grounded, and daily checking on aspects of my garden.  In some way I am so glad I am NOT naturally a perfectionist.


I do believe in process, so I accept the things that happen in the garden as lessons, but not demands to run and immediately start spreading snail bait.  I had cats for 20 years and the snail bait was not good for them.  I spread it once per year.  I am now also not squeamish about squashing a snail.  Jeez I was such a wimp in that field and was very Buddhist about all life for many years.  Probably a response to all the human loss I have endured. So it is interesting to see how I change over time too.  One good thing about no cats is more birds.  So for me gardening is about tuning into nature a lot and tending ... but not how it looks.


@TABHang in there


 @Owlunar2 Gently Bently Hope you are doing all right.


I have physio this afternoon.  I am starting with a worker who is recovery couch oriented and fitness coach, so will be shifting my physio to monthly.  I have appreciated the clinic and the 3 individuals who I have interacted with.  I will put some work in the garden I did at their location this arvo. Trying to prepare it a bit for the summer onslaught of heat.  Doing their garden was necessary for me in the mindset I was in at that time and through Covid.  I had became obsessed with digging my own grave, so it was a helpful thing to use my spade and keep digging in plants from my other gardens, and for this garden I received appreciation from the staff, who relayed to me the appreciation their clients gave.  So it was very healing for me.  I also had done so much physical work and gym in my life that getting endless sets of exercises was pretty boring and it showed them I was not afraid of hard work.  Appreciation for my efforts has been sorely lacking in my life.  I did feel I was being pretty weird but in the end I became a familiar sight digging, weeding and watering and trimming.


I was also a bit annoyed at all the medical clinics springing up in my neighbourhood with barren gardens reduced by spraying roundup and raking in the dollars.  So used it as a vehicle to educate about plants, land management etc.... I could move on to my shrink"s garden?? did plant a couple things that were poisoned... but let it be ...feeling my time now is to shift to more music and reduce my garden commitments to my house, verge, court and guerilla garden.  So relinquishing ... 

Re: Life can be a Pain

thanks @Appleblossom 

Re: Life can be a Pain



I feel a bit nervous and anxious about my volunteering today. Today will be my first shift on the shuttle on my own. My last two shifts I was being trained so I had someone there to ask if I wasn’t sure where to go. I don’t really know why I am nervous! I have never had a car accident and I am a careful driver. I am fine going to the children’s hospital too, it’s just that I also have to take people to the hospital across the road as well. If someone asks to go to oral health or block J I am not really sure of the way. I need to suss that out more.


I love the idea of you doing the garden at your physio’s office. That must have felt super rewarding! Good for you! I was watching a program on the tv, one of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s. Anyway people were doing guerrilla gardening on the verges. Had herbs by bus stops and things. It was a great idea. It wouldn’t be so easy here because of the need to be watering. That was in the UK. Sounds like your home garden is doing well. I made an exciting discovery this morning, the first of my cherry tomatoes on my volunteer plant is starting to change colour. I planted some corn but only 3 came up out of 30 so I will plant more tomorrow. I still have 16 cos lettuces ready to eat. I gave 3 away to my friend because she they were needing more room to grow. We popped them in her garden. I ate my caesar salad last night and it was super yummy but I had too much. The homegrown lettuce was super crispy. 


Re: Life can be a Pain

Hey Mumma Bear @Owlunar2 By the end of the week my back is not good. I didn't have my expected time off this morning as there was no relief available so it has been a tough day. I also had my psych after school so whilst that was not too draining, everything combined ....I am very tired and sore. Happy now to have a couple of days to recoup - in between lots of work I need to do. It is hard sitting for too long so I have to take it in small pieces but the bonus of the weekend is I an have some pain relief and if I need to lay down I can.


Sending love to you ...and everyone else visiting this thread (sorry - can't catch up on everyone at the moment).

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Zoe7 


I hope you are able to recoup your energy this weekend - we all need time to recharge our batteries - sort our priority lists - reboot generally - so much rest is required - you need it.


Pain drains us - it drags us down and makes everything harder - I do so know this 


Catch with things in your life when you have settled things in your heart, mind and body - we will still be here. 


Life does go on - I had three Transcutaneous RF treatments on my shoulder this week and this helps - I'm getting a getting a good result so far - I am getting my DVR looked at next week and my A/C is being replaced - this sounds like a lot -however - after the drama of the past few weeks - things seem almost peaceful -


Thinking of you

Mumma Bear


Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Zoe7 @Oaktree @TAB @Appleblossom @tonys @EternalFlower @Shaz51 @Snowie 

@Faith-and-Hope @MDT @Emelia8 


It's been such a busy week - I had 3 Transcutaneous RF treatments on my shoulder - it's seems good atm - 3 trips to the specialist - really busy - that's right for the next few weeks.


I have a guy recommended by a friend coming to look at my DVR next week - and getting my A/C replaced - all the maintenance problems are being dealt with. The dead possum in the wall cavity has become a good story by now - and life goes on - as it must - as it does - and keeps happening.


My daughter - yes - I hope for better from her but never expected it - after all - I know her. She has a lot of family - to me - nearly all of them are steps I hardly know - so - letting her alone with her dudgeon is not easy for me - it is my gift to her though. When we give a lot from the little we have it is a valuable gift in fact - so I value what I am giving up.


I'm sad though - totally shocked really by how she took my feelings of being invalidated. 


Ah hell.


And isn't dudgeon a great word! I had to look up what it means - it's feelings of deep offence and resentment - yes - I love that - actually - I felt as if I was being dishonest in not telling her how I felt about being criticized - I am relieved of that - 


As for sulking - I don't actually - and I wonder about the people who do sulk - do they enjoy themselves? Actually - I don't care - we all have to set boundaries - and I have done so in my life.


I did send my son-in-law a birthday card and a Tattslotto ticket - and he texted his thanks - which is really good


All the best everyone

Mumma Bear


Re: Life can be a Pain

I always thought it was 'high dudgeon' @Owlunar2  werent you just @Owlunar  ? there seems to be like 4 names floating around. Anyhoo.

um not right up on daughter thing, but for what its worth at around age 40 turned on my mother saying life didnt really work out for me as I needed parents and didnt have any.. Answer? well you were always fed and clothed. oh and loved.  its when you realise your never going to 'catch up' with Lifes Expectations and start going to GPs complaining, having realised you will never own a house ( this was like 30 plus years ago after prices had just started to rise) .. bla bla

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thankyou  @Owlunar2    for your kind words.  Probly should have mentioned,  she was 2 doors up from my room in hospital..     I've been in here for about 3 months I think.  After 3 weeks I lost track.


So few of the ladies come 2 my room for cards or scabble a few afternoons a week,  They know an easy mark.  Not well liked was my friend,   but I liked her.  Tabasco tongue that cut its lashes bone deep,

Flame grill eyes,  caught for more than a moment in the glare, went from rare to well done..  and I'm all the better for the lashings by her hand. 

Dudgeon..  I will think of it in scrabble,   then think of it no more.  I hope your shoulder pain surrenders to all the treatments  and you are combat effective for your Tassie expedition..


Hey  @Appleblossom   Doing the rounds I see.   Thanks mate.  Its a couch of comfort knowing you walk the corridor.   Never did find out what happened to your car.  I wish you peace mate.


@Oaktree   Haven't seen your produce in a while.   How does your garden grow..  Are you well mate.


Very best wishes to you all                       tonys








Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar2 sorry to hear what you are going through with your Daughter.

Family can be so hard at times.