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Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Hi Ivana,

Unfortunately I tend to be passive. I so wish I wasn't. Saying that I am being a little assertive about this as I don't believe he is right. I agree he may have an interest in BPD however I also believe that as I have complex PTSD he believes I must have BPD. Whereas I look at the accummulation of traumas throughout my lifespan as to the "complex" component...It is not just an isolated event!!!  I guess he is just a new psychiatrist and we are sorting out the "territory" as such. He is extremely open and lays things out in front of me...however I am yet to see eye to eye atm. I like the idea to put to him re: therapy without the labels. He is the best psych I have come across for a long time and has worked before with my trauma counsellor so I am not going to give him the quick flick as I think he may be good once I trust him per se!


Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

@Angel  @chemonro  @MissContent 

Hi all,

I hope you are well. I have been laying low for a while and winding myself down from a manic phase - au naturale (no meds) which takes me lots of time and quiet. However it has worked and I am on stable ground again rather than nearly walking on water :-).

I found something whch you may want to look into - a conference on BPD called "What works" held by the Australian BPD Foundation (sorry I realise I have just slightly overshot the mark in timing). What I've seen looks supportive and non-stigmatising. You may want to Google them, see what there is from past conferences and find out when info from this latest conference will be available. Good luck.


Kind regards,




Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Hi Kristin,
Glad you are taking the time to care for yourself and that you are feeling better 🙂 ..Tis a constant process I feel 🙂
Thank you for letting us know about the conference, unfortunately I wasn't in the position to make it this year. I hope to have the dates for next year a few months in advance so I can organise my family and whatnot. Looking forward to hearing about it from Chemonro though!

Take good care,

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Welcome back Kristin..with the beautiful warmth we have had on the eastern side, au natural takes on entirely different slant..thinking vitamin d and sunbathing might have been part of your quiet time grounding?
Che Monro went to the BPD conference so I am hoping she blogs about it soon @chemonro no pressure but would be great to hear your highlights...

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Hello MC,

Thanks for your lovely message! Smiley Happy

Welcome to the forum!

You are quite right, we are all a constant work in progress. It seems to take a long time to learn to be kind to ourselves during the progress!

Kind regards,


Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Thx Sandy! I hope you are well too.

Yes a bit of sunshine, I probably should have taken more of what was on offer. When I am really unwell I kind of withdraw/shut down a fair bit.

Thankfully I am much better now. I'm still quite triggered as I am being bullied by the owner of a small business whose services I engaged recently, but I'm managing to stand up to him and his debt collector tactics! I have pointed out he is in breach of contract so we will see.

Kind regards,


Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

I've just recently been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I am trying to learn more about this disorder as my counselor just told my daughter that is why I have attention seeking behavior. I strongly disagree that I have attention seeking behavior. Yes I've tried twice in just a little over a year to commit suicide but I wasn't trying to seek attention I was trying to alleviate my emotional pain. I have been in counseling off and on for the past 20 years. My first psychiatrist diagnosed me with PTSD and major depression and ADD. Then my second psychiatrist diagnosed me with bipolar 2. Now this new counselor has diagnosed me with BPD as the major issue and that we have to treat it first before my PTSD. My PTSD is what sent me over the edge and I was certainly not seeking attention. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach my counselor? I don't feel listened to. I feel more like she is going to tell me what she thinks instead of asking me what I think. I am open to any input

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Hello @clake54 Welcome to the forums .. a few of the mods suggest that a diagnosis is only useful if it helps you. 

it isnt the best if you dont feel the counsellor has tried to understand your situation.

How long have you been seeing this new counsellor?  Is it the only option?