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Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Advocacy with the Devil: Pleased to meet you, did you guess my name? But what's puzzling you is the nature of my diagnosis...

Re: Sympathy for the Devil

We are the people your Mother warned you about.

We walk among you.

Join us!

Re: Sympathy for the Devil

Hehe, I've had that song through my head all day! 

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

I fully agree with Batguano.

Never doubt yourself when someone has a different opinion and never be passive.Ever.

Doctors arn't infallible and can come from their own issues or he could be blinded/narrowminded due to having excessive interest in BPD.

Confidence in a therapist is important and so is feeling you are both going in the same direction.If hes causing you more stress,thats a bad sign.

Personally,if it was me,i'd either get a new psych or ask what his plan was for how he was going to “treat me“ and that you'd prefer it was done without labels.

Re: Sympathy for the Devil

hehehe...I think I was someone my mother warned me 🙂


Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

I spoke to my psych and although didn't quite feel comfortable enough to say STOP the labelling I did tell him that I didn't agree with him. He was ok and we talked about what was relevant and potential groups/medication changes. I guess I was kind of happy but after hearing what all you guys have had to say I think I am going to be more assertive next week!!! It is nice to know that you are not alone in a situation and to have people impartial to give their this forum!! 🙂

Us and Them, dominance and submission, and the Win-Win result

Angel I'm really glad to hear your good results.

Your psych listened to you.  Hold the front page!  Smiley Surprised

This therapeutic relationship (yes I know it sounds weird) has potential.

I have to give a warning here that I'm about to give an opinion and advice.Woman Embarassed

You have absolutely the right to form your own opinion and ignore any advice. 

Its not about us and them. Its a relationship where both of you can agree, disagree, argue, make goals, work together.

Both of you can win out.  Have respect, be honest, be fair, be polite.

 Now play nice, kids. Woman Happy


Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Stick with the forum Angel if you can. I started awakening to mental health stuff at 15, I am now 55. My journey has trolled through the DSM with an astounding number of diagnosis, an extravagant amount of chemicals. Finding the right professional at the right moment is the biggest challenge I think. I started to get better with a professional establishing a therapeutic relationship for over a year ( I think ) before I started opening up. It was beneficial because all he did was LISTEN!

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Hi Angel, 

I have BPD and feel that is the right fit with me as far as any diagnosis goes. The contributors on here are all savvy people and I have to agree that you, and only you, can say whether a diagnosis is right for you. As mentioned earlier, being given a label can be very daunting and I feel that sometimes its best to disregard the label until you feel you have some sense of safeness with your therapist. I personally did not begin to enter recovery until I felt a strong sense of understanding, authenticity and safeness with my therapist. Indeed, if you feel that this is a therapist that allows you to challenge his labels upon you then he is a good sort. Complex PTSD is often apart of BPD, although this does not guarantee that you are suffering from Borderline. I encourage you to chat with people that are comfortable with their BPD diagnosis, it may help you to gain a more solid understanding of what it is and if it truly fits with you. I am in recovery and have been so for the past 3 years...there is hope and it is not as damning as it often rumoured to be. I wish you well 🙂 

Re: Is Borderline Personality Disorder commonly diagnosed as part of Complex PTSD?

Also, check out mind UK's site, they have stories of people talking about their journey with BPD and other mi issues. I would provide a lunk but I am not tech savvy enough..but really worth viewing..