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Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

sometimes it is so hard tiring to find that balance daily @Sally_Everymind , when us as wives and carers to fit ourselves in daily care 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

@Shaz51 it's really difficult isn't it? Often we find ourselves sandwiched between supporting parents, children, partners, friends and still having to do the day to day activities in life. Carers often tell us that finding time for themselves is something they find very hard. But they also tell us that it's one of the most important things they can do. And sometimes self care can come from the very smallest of things, such as having a cup of tea and feeling the sun on your face, leaving five minutes early for school pickup so that you can sit in the car quietly, taking a few extra minutes to walk around your local shopping centre and notice something you haven't seen before. Self care doesn't have to be big, it just needs to be purposeful. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

As we finish tonight’s discussion, I would like to thank everyone that has been reading along with us this evening, and @Shaz51 for contributing to the discussion. A huge thank you to @Sally_Everymind  from Everymind for sharing her advice with us, and some great resources to access. Another big thank you to @TideisTurning for sharing your thoughts with us tonight as well.  


If you would like to keep the discussion going after this evening or if you have any other questions on the topic of being a carer for someone else, please feel free to head over to the Friends, family and carer section of our forums.  


And with that, we will end our discussion here 😊 Thank you again and have a great rest of your night!  

Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

Thank you so much for having me on Topic Tuesday! I really enjoyed the conversation and appreciate your honesty and willingness to share. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

very true @Sally_Everymind 

love having a coffee under my trees or on the front steps 

Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope ) is a great thread to look at too 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Minds Together: Helping Family and Friends // Tuesday 30th May 2023 5:30-7PM AEST

Huge thank you to @Shaz51 & @Sally_Everymind for being here and sharing with us. Don't forget to care for yourself first as you care for the loved ones in your life 😊💛