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Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

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There is a strong link between employment and improved mental health condition.

This week’s topic will explore this connection and how employment can significantly improve a person mental health. There are also many other benefits that contribute to improved better mental health as a result of employment such as independence, better social connections and more. The topic invites all forum participants to share their experiences on how employment has benefited them personally and helped improve your mental health.

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Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member
Just a quick reminder this session is about to start if you feel up to it.

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST


Bill Gye ( here - looking forward to have a chat about this topic 

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST



Is there somewhere you can upload a document in Career Chat for other to check out. I have a something that may be of interest to some people.

If not I can use another online place to out the document and send a link.



Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

While there is lots of research showing the postive benefit on mental health of obtaining the right sort of employment (that's another question), I would be interested to hear from anybody in terms of their person experiences of whether being unemployed is a stress which bady effects mental health, or conversly if anyone has had a person experience where being employed either improved mental health or made it worse (and if so what happned). 

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

About a year ago we were helping support a young girl who was living in a tin shed down on the south coast of NSW, and without going into details they were having a really hard time, over indulging, sleeping a lot of the day and getting out of it at night time. They were pretty scared to go into town and so getting low on food. We hung out with them for a while and supported them to get up in the morning and get out to town at least to have a coffee and buys some food.

They ended up working at the supermarket and then have since gone on to get a job in a community centre and have also conneted to TAFE. They have moved into a much better place where they live now and say they are much happier. Does anyone else have a similar story?

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

This is a conversation I would like to get involved in but I'm not well in hospital. For me I know work would help but I can't keep self stable. I can't string many days together a week that I would be on to work. I'm also very unfit at the moment and worry about getting through a whole day.

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member, so glad you jumped into the conversation even though you are not well at the moment. I totally get that right now something like work would seem way too much. Your focus needs to be on getting through the day (or even the next few minutes).

But I know there will be a time in your future when you will be much better and with the right support and your own efforts things will be going well for you. When that happens maybe finding the right work, for the right number of hours, in the right plavce, with people you can get on well with will come your way. When you get there it will be one thing that will contribute to maintaining your long term future wellness. 

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

Thank you @OstaraAust I'm wondering if you have some kind of guidelines of how well you should be before looking for employment.

Re: Career Chat // Link between employment and improved mental health // Fri. 5 May, 12pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member,

We dont have such a guideline and thats a great idea. We'll work on it.

What we have found from our expereince is that while you can't obvioulsy be too unwell, if you have the right support you can still do work pretty much any time.

That is, you don't need to be 100% well to start working, you just need a few conditions:

(a) a job you can do if you are trained in it

(b) initally dont work too many hours (say for example up to 15 hours a week) or too far away

(c) Your employer knows what your issues and triggers are and can be understanding and

(d) that you have another person (support worker) who can help you settle in to the job and keep in contract and help if things go a bit pear shaped.