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Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Hello @Arafmi_Ltd , @Former-Member , @Val 

hello @Former-Member , @Tufftimes , @Former-Member 

ammm @Arafmi_Ltd , I have my elderly mum had hip surgery and bowel obstruction , needing to know more

and my Husband has inherited depression and Bipolr 11  and has cancelled help , how can I help more for both mum and my husband

and with me with lots of physical pproblems

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

@Shaz51 wrote:

Hello @Arafmi_Ltd , @Former-Member , @Val 

hello @Former-Member , @Tufftimes , @Former-Member 

ammm @Arafmi_Ltd , I have my elderly mum had hip surgery and bowel obstruction , needing to know more

and my Husband has inherited depression and Bipolr 11  and has cancelled help , how can I help more for both mum and my husband

and with me with lots of physical pproblems

Hello @Shaz51, ssorry I didn't see this sooner, you poor dear, Sorry to hear about your Mum, and where you are at right now, big hugs!  Wondering if your Mum may have hospital help or in home assistance, maybe even temporary nursing home placement (as my friends Mum has for the last 3 months, after fall and broken hip, pelvis, now dementia onset), till she passes the test to go home, she's not allowed), anyway, just a couple of ideas 💡 Re your hubby, how frustrating and mb a wee bit devastating for you that he's turned away his help... AND YOURS too, making more fall upon your shoulders, I know that feeling unfortunately, maybe try talking to him re how much it helped You, so he's not feeling like HE needs it, but takes the help back to help you out?? I don't know any other options myself sorry, BUT, I do know if you don't look after yourself and your needs 1st, you cannot look after either Mum or hubby to your full capacity. Take it easy, remember you! 😘xx

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Hi. Yes. Despite being chronically ill for my whole life the NDIS declared my condition not permanent enough! I am too overwhelmed and exhausted between my own issues and caring for a husband with bi-polar for 30 years to face running an appeal. I’m in Regional Victoria. It’s taken me over a year to hold my anxiety at bay even to find and look at the mind Australia site. I feel like I’ve just been assaulted again by the NDIS. Too hard. 

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

hugs @Val , @Tufftimes 

we are here for you , you are not alone xx

I have kidney disease stagDe 4 with only on kidney and Diabetes too

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

@Shaz51  it doesn't rain it pours hey. I am a dreamer lol, and a believer in the power of a positive mind (mmmm, don't ask how that's been going on sev occasions in the last 17yrs though lol 😂 😂), my mind likes to think positively majority of tge time though. Have you ever seen the DVD called THE SECRET... very true, amazing stories, journeys and miraculous recoveries of people with serious illness/es. Miracles can and do happen, just awaiting mine 🤗💕

And thanks, hugs to you. My last 3 days have turned around dramatically, and I think a lot of it is this forum, you, and others like you, and of course me, feeling better, and starting to live again, and do things that motivate, please and give me joy. xx

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Wonderful to see some support happening in here. Sorry things have been so tiring in tryng to manage any NDIS support @Val . Hopefully you find some of the information @Arafmi_Ltd have provided helpful - we are definately all here for you as @Shaz51 said. 


@Shaz51 thanks for sharing your questions about your husband and mother - @Arafmi_Ltd will be back in here at some point today to respond 😊 @Tufftimes thanks for the supportive messages you have popped in here with! Have you had any experience with the NDIS as a carer yourself and would a program like Carer Coach be something of interest to you too perhaps? 

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

@Former-Member Hello, and thank you, tbh not a great believer in NDIS, after my sons initial enrolment for support, and nothing happening for over 6 months, then when he was very unwell again, he told them he didn't want it!! No NDIS, no DSP, Case Workers here are a joke, as is supposed support system... It's pretty much just ME lol. Carer Coach sounds interesting, and I'd love to be involved. Have tried getting into MH related roles and admin, to make a real and positive difference in MH clients and their families lives (considering I know all the deficits, and where improvement, communication and information are required but not supplied... Hopefully not same in all States)... without success over the last 18 months, piece of paper supposedly qualifies you more than real life understanding, knowledge, empathy and care. 😊 Coffee time after stating those sad but true facts 😂

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Hi @Val,


We're sorry you're going through such a difficult time and haven't been successful with your NDIS application. This is unfortunately something that happens to some people.


We understand you must be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted between your own concerns whilst caring for your husband, we commend you for staying strong throughout this.


We would encourage you to contact us via email at so we can better understand your situation and try and find appropriate support for you in your area.


We understand the difficulties that mental health carers face. Arafmi's 24 hour Carer helpline is open to anyone who is caring for or about a relative or friend with a psychosocial disability.


You can call Arafmi’s 24 hour Carer helpline on 07 3254 1881 any time of the day to share your feelings, receive support, find new resources and learn helpful coping skills to help you in your caring role. It’s comforting to know that when you need to talk – someone who understands will be there – at any hour.

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Hi @Shaz51,


It sounds like you have a lot happening for you at the moment, we understand that must be difficult for you. Your mum and husband are very fortunate to have you care for them.


It's difficult to make suggestions when we're not fully across your whole story. The NDIS is able to assist people who are under the age of 65, beyond that, they will receive assistance from aged care services.


Starting a conversation with your mum's or husband's GP can definitely be a great starting point for you. Depending on where you're living, there may be other services who are specialised in these areas who may be able to assist you.


If you have further questions or would like to have a conversation with our Arafmi team, we invite you to email us at Or, if you're living in QLD, you can contact our head office on 07 3254 1881.


We understand the difficulties that mental health carers face. Our 24 hour Carer helpline is open to anyone who is caring for or about a relative or friend with a psychosocial disability.


You can call Arafmi’s 24 hour Carer helpline on 07 3254 1881 any time of the day to share your feelings, receive support, find new resources and learn helpful coping skills to help you in your caring role. It’s comforting to know that when you need to talk – someone who understands will be there – at any hour.

Re: ASK US ANYTHING //Carer Coach //Mon 25 March - Fri 29 March 10am - 5pm AEDT

Hi all!

We have had an anonymous user submit a question to @Arafmi_Ltd :


In regards to the Carer Coach program, do you have to work through all modules in sequence?

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