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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Oh ok, over zoom. Well at least you didn't have to leave the comfort of home @creative_writer 

When D was doing school via zoom in covid she used to do it in her pj bottoms and school top!!


Could you do something to try and ease the clatter. I find listening to classical music helpful when my mind is really busy. I find it slows down things. It doesn't always help but sometimes it does.


Have you got any plans for tomorrow?



Re: My special place

@Snowie I could try that. I took my night meds just now too. So going to start winding down. No interesting plans for tomorrow, my life is uni right now. How about you?

Re: My special place

@Snowie  So pleased to read the last few days have been a little easier for you and the thoughts not so overwhelming. 💙

Re: My special place

Good afternoon @NatureLover @creative_writer Hoping both of your days are going ok.


Spent a good chunk of the afternoon at the hospital with my mum. She was having some imaging done which she had to have things injected into her, then wait awhile, then do the scan, then wait more, then do another scan.....

Then drive an hour home, so much fun 🤦‍♀️


Anyway, sending love to you both. Talk soon 

Re: My special place

@Snowie sounds like an intense day. I hope you have given yourself the space to rest up 💖

Re: My special place

Just sitting down now @creative_writer Don't think it will be a late night.

How has your day been?

Re: My special place

@Snowie nothing wrong with an early night if you need it.

I’ve had a busy day, my head feels heavy now

Re: My special place

Around if you need to chat about it @creative_writer 

Re: My special place

@Snowie night is usually not my best time.

Do you always sometimes feel like not talking to people and reaching out to them because socialising feels like a lot of effort, and sometimes you just feel disconnected. I’ve lost contact with people as a result, but I think life just gets hectic

Re: My special place

oh all the time @creative_writer I barely socialise with anyone. I have no 'real' friends that I would just catch up with or go out with. No one that I call to talk too or no one who would ever call me.

I live in my own little bubble.

Yes life does get hectic but I have always been like this. Even at school and uni I never had any close friends, just acquaintances. I will defiantly agree that it takes a lot of effort.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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