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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Something I’ve wondered @Eve7 Does S1 have any kids? 

Re: Morning has broken

My thoughts are not good @Snowie @Captain24 my actions

Re: Morning has broken

I understand @Eve7 

Here with you.

Do you need any help/assistance?


Re: Morning has broken

I’m sorry @Eve7. Are you safe? 

Re: Morning has broken

Hey @Eve7 , I'm sorry to hear. 


Will a little chat clear the head a little? I'm here if you need it.


We have missed you but recognise that sometimes a break is needed so you can focus on recovery.



Re: Morning has broken

I’m at the hospital @tyme 😢

Re: Morning has broken

Hugs @Eve7 .


I'm here if you need company.

Re: Morning has broken

Oh dear @Eve7  I am really sorry to hear you find yourself in a bad place once more. It's good you are now safe though, and in hospital where you will be cared for. So well done to you on getting yourself there. I will check in through the evening in case you need some company. Sending a big comforting hug your way, and lots of well wishes. 💕

Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @Emelia8 I feel such a failure right now.

Re: Morning has broken

Leaving a big pile of squishy hugs for you @Eve7  🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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