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Re: Morning has broken

I am just annoyed at myself that it has come to this @tyme In the appointment today I just lost it and I knew then that pdoc would suggest an admission. I just couldn't stay present. It was a hard appointment.

Re: Morning has broken

Hey @Eve7 ,


Your feelings are totally valid. I hear things are to incredibly tough, yet you deserve all the support you can get.


If you need it, do reach out. There are many people who care.

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry to hear your pdoc appt was rough, @Eve7  😣

I hope your admission can be planned like you want 🤞💛

Re: Morning has broken

Wishing for the best possible outcome for you @Eve7 regarding a planned admission. It does sound as though it may be for the best 💗 and if thats the case,  then let it happen on your terms. 🌷

Re: Morning has broken

Afternoon @Eve7 

I hope you were able to get in contact with your pdoc and work out where to from here.

Sending lots of love and hugs 💗💗


Hi @Emelia8, hope your day is going well

Re: Morning has broken

How are you today @Eve7 ? We recognise it was pretty rough for you last night.


Hey @Snowie @Emelia8 @NatureLover - hope you are all doing okay.

Re: Morning has broken

I am staying at S1’s for the weekend @tyme as it’s safer.


@Snowie I didn’t call pdoc as I chickened out and nothing can happen about the admission for the next couple of weeks.

Re: Morning has broken

At least you have put something in place for this weekend @Eve7 

Thats really good to hear.


Perhaps after the weekend you might ring the pdoc. I guess something to think about over the weekend.


Re: Morning has broken

How was your day @Snowie and how is d?


I have an appointment with pdoc on Thursday so I’ll discuss it then if not before.

Re: Morning has broken

Day was ok @Eve7 Spent all morning at the hospital. Triggered a bit by it but put big girl pants on. D is going ok, just lots of pain meds. Now the healing begins.


I'm glad you see the pdoc again this week hon. Hopefully that support will help.

If you don't want to say it out loud maybe you can write it down for him to read.