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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

huggsss @Mrsjones  have a good day tomorrow my friend xx

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Former-Member How are you?

Thanks for asking.

I'm still recovering.

The General anaesthetic (from the surgery) seems to have long-lasting effects - for several days at least.

One friendly Nurse said that when she has had a General Anaesthetic (for surgery) - she is affected, dopey & non-functional for 3 to 5 days (at least).

No one ever told me that before.

This surgery turned out to be relatively simple & minor, compared to my previous 4 bowel surgeries - they were all very major.

Yet it's all had a cumulative (Built-up) effect on my body (& emotional response).

5 surgeries - especially all coming from (caused by) the one original failed surgery (massive complications every time) - Too much for a Koala to Bear....


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Heart Hope you're back to yourself soon @Adge.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thanks @Smc Heart

Which self is that (I wonder) - The Fearful/ Fatigued Exhausted Self?

Or the "Go Get Em" (Nothing is Too Hard or Too much) Self?

Maybe a Combination of the two (or more).....

Smiley TongueAdge


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Smc 

Hibernating sounds good. It really is Winter today!

I'm ok thank you. I cried a river of tears last night, it was needed. My boy is in a better place today which in turn means I am too. I appreciate your message, hope you have a lovely weekend 🌷

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Shaz51 


Sorry you've had a rough couple of days. Stoked about your Mum's leg. Crossing fingers for you too 😘

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

images - 2020-08-05T182104.157.jpeg


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Former-Member, if there's a camel, you must be after Egyptian coffee! 😛

Had an Egyptian friend make it for us once. It's about the same amount of coffee grounds as a regular cup, but concentrated into an espresso cup sized serve, very very sweet, grounds left in so you drink it through your teeth. It's actually really good.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Anastasia, hope your weekend's a good one too. Glad things are looking a bit better.

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yikes @Smc  not wanting hairs on my chest ... 

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