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Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Meowmy 


I have just had a vegemite sandwich and a cup of coffee and I feel okay right now.


It's not a good idea to run out of coffee - it's not my thing to go out first thing for something so basic - but so necessary. But I did - and glad I did - I don't enjoy tea but coffee - of course - coffee - is my favourite thing first thing each day.


It was after WW2 - I was still a little girl and my Gran would take me into Melbourne with her often - she actually had a big role to play bringing me up. I enjoyed her company.


We were walking down Flinders Lane when I grabbed her arm and cried out "What is that smell? What is that wonderful smell?"


She was excited as I was - "That's coffee - that's real coffee!" She grabbed my arm and we hurried down the street to a coffee shop that had little tables with red gingham clothes. I had my first cup of real brewed coffee. Up until then the only coffee we had was chicory - a fake coffee that came in a black bottle and was sticky syrup - this was post war austerity. I didn't know about that then but I have never forgotten that first cup of coffee. And Gran did not have it watered down or have extra milk added. It was the real deal. Fantastic!


So coffee has great memories attached to it - in the 60s when I was working in the city I would often go to that coffee shop. It's been gone a long time now - with so many things of the past - but I will always remember





Re: Life can be a Pain

We start back tomorrow @Owlunar and the kids on Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing them all again (plus the new ones I will have) but am going to miss my fur babies. Fur babies will be okay not so much lol It is hard going back to work and not having Toby especially by my side 24/7 but I will get used to it eventually.


It is a pity you had to give it up and can't go back in some way but your health is the most important. I hope you are okay and the week ahead brings so many moments of joy 💕

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @outlander @Emelia8 @Appleblossom @Hams @Anastasia 

@TAB @Historylover @greenpea @Snowie @Meowmy @EternalFlower @Judi9877 



It's Monday and I have had better days - this one worked out all right though - after being uneasy all day about a prescription issue that I have not been given a reasonable reason for


I always get a repeat and I was due to get one today - alas no - the law has changed about filling repeats on this medication. I rang the pain clinic and felt really uncomfortable for hours until they got back to me - I was given another prescription - the think is - no one seems to know anything about this legal glitch.


I have enough medication to last me until this new script is compounded and so glad the pain clinic is so helpful - my shoulder is very unpredictable but it is improving gradually. It will never be perfect again but that's okay with me.


I had a phone call from My Aged Care about my level of disability - for want of a better description. It will most likely be increased. That's really good news I am happy to say.


I hope everyone is well as they can be - all the best




Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks for all the fruit info @Shaz51 - great stuff - someday I might actually get around to trying one of those big, delicious monster fruit though I have seen one in Melbourne. Maybe I will when I next go to Cairns - though yeah - that might be hard for one person to eat the whole lot.


You are so great with all the work you do here - all the supports and posts - goodonyer Shaz



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar 

how are you? I have posted twice on this post to you but you haven't replied.  I am not sure if i have done something wrong to you or you are upset with me.

It was so nice to see you back on the forum and I'm wondering why you haven't tagged me.

If you don't want to reply or chat to me that's fine.

I am finding it hard to understand.


take care xxx

Re: Life can be a Pain

I must respectfully ask you to not tag/post with me as I feel totally unable to help you further.
I have nothing against you - you have done nothing wrong. Your problems are yours to deal with - they are valid.
I have my own issues - some I never post - I am a reasonable but limited person.
I wish you the best"

Re: Life can be a Pain

i will never tag you again @Owlunar 

take care 


Re: Life can be a Pain

Great news about the increase for you @Owlunar Anything that can help is a good thing. I hope your pain levels are manageable - the laws change so often that it is hard to keep up with. My GP is on top of all that and relays it to me regularly so like you we have to work around it all. 


We were having a discussion at work today about things we put in place for our own wellbeing - both physically and emotionally - and boundaries was one of them. It is so hard for us sometimes to put those in place for our own wellbeing but it takes both personal insight and courage to do that 💖

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks so much for your support @Zoe77 - I don't really mind life being hard - I have grown through it - still it has its tough moments.


Boundaries are so important. I'm glad you had such a discussion at work today - also - I have been thinking about your first days back at school and working on boundaries for emotional and physical health is vitally important.


It is really hard to defend our boundaries and sometimes it can get icky or whatever fits - we can't help that - some children don't understand other people's position - their need for personal space - and the need for grownups to be in charge - it can be really rough.


Over twenty years ago now I had one little boy in my CE class tell me I wasn't a teacher - just an old lady coming in to pretend to be one - I stared him down because my teaching certificate was valid at that time - and told him I was as highly qualified as any other teacher in the school and for the rest of the year I had a polite little boy in the class - but hard - yes - I know


This evening a question was asked - I remember learning that we should never ask a question if we don't know what to do with the answer. I take it you read the subtext here. I was concerned and did not act unadvised. But still - I am sorry and I felt really unhappy for a while - I did have support - excellent support - I feel okay now.


Thanks for posting this evening - I had taken my strong medication and I was lying down - I decided to read my phone and I can't actually log in on my phone - I felt the need to respond straight away.


I do value my friendships here - so many people who go back for years - I felt as if I had abandoned everyone but I need the community too. The ads Sane has on my phone kept reminding me so I came back with one condition - necessary - I am glad I came back 


Lots of love and thinking of you Zoe



Re: Life can be a Pain

Sleep well tonight @Owlunar ❤️❤️