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Re: Fragile

Thanks @Appleblossom 🌸

Great that you are finding good company in real life. 

Interestingly,  one of my neighbours at my new home here are a really nice couple. She is a retired music teacher and leads a local choir here. She has a beautiful soprano voice and plays piano too. She still does some lessons I believe. She used to be quite big in one of the Sydney companies before moving up here some years back. I often think of you when I hear beautiful music coming from next door. Anyway she and her hubby have invited me around for drinks this arvo,  and I have accepted. Bit nervous but it could be nice. 



Re: Fragile

Soo pleased for you @Emelia8 , @Appleblossom having some good company ❤️

Re: Fragile

Thanks @Shaz51 💖

Re: Fragile

Thanks @Shaz51

Hope your afternoon with new neighbours went well.

 Music has many great facets.


Senior Contributor

Re: Fragile

In the face of sheer stubborn stupidity,     "MY OWN'    let it never be said that   farmer tonys gives up easily.


I dedicate this little song to    @Dimity  . .   

Now don't give up on it folks,      song takes a minute to start..


@Emelia8   @Shaz51   @Appleblossom   @Oaktree   @Thyme    and the other nice folks on this thread...


tonys. . .   😊

Enable subtitles and CC for lyrics** Curly - Gordon MACrae Ado Annie - Gloria Grahame Will Parker - Gene Nelson Aunt Eller - Charlottle Greenwood Mr. Andrew Carnes - James Whitmore Mr. Skidmore - Jay C. Flippen DANCERS (only credited) - Jennie Workman - Virginia Bosler - Kelly Brown - Evelyn ...

Re: Fragile

Its a good movie that one @tonys 👍


Hey @Appleblossom I had a pleasant afternoon at the neighbours. Interestingly,  the wife and I have a surprising amount of things in common. 😊

Re: Fragile

Re: Fragile

 @outlander @Shaz51 @Oaktree 


really valued the support from you ladies. hugs


@Emelia8 it sounds like you are getting off to a good start with neighbours .  hope it continues 



Always lovely having you around.


that bookkeeper behaving herself ?


Senior Contributor

Re: Fragile

Yes ,  I loved it too  @Emelia8    Know all the old songs,  word for word.   Paint Your Wagon was 

a bunch of good fun too.    I am a fossil hey .   Hope you found a path through the dark woods

and you are now barefoot in a sunny meadow of wildflowers.   thinking of you . . . and Hannah..


Well folks.   I have absolutely  zero Idea of what the policy on peace offerings is.   I usually give it 3

good,  genuine ,   heart felt,   efforts,  and then I think to go beyond that is just,   stalking.  My humble

offerings cookie jar is now,    empty..



What's your thoughts please  @Thyme .   I would be most grateful if you could 'private email me 

so I can have some tiny clue as to where my indictable crime occurred.   I ploughed through old 

posts, and I just can't find anywhere my words and humour where not clearly well intentioned,  tongue in cheek,   attempts to leave a smile here and there.   I have Autism,  so these things are not always so apparent

to me,   and I also know,    I will never be all things to all people.    With my limited tool bag I do what I can.     Without a little feed back,  now and then.   How can we ever learn. . .   How can we make the world a happier place . . .

                                    Yours with the very best intentions.                    tonys..


Having a break to spend some time with my friend who's  on holidays. 

Take care all..    Keep smiling..




Senior Contributor

Re: Fragile

No  @Appleblossom ..  she most definatley is not behaving herself..      Well  maybe . . .  I'm really not sure.

Maybe all ladies keep handcuffs under the pillow.    Kidding . . 

You sound a whole lots better,  but then,  with you,   I never know for sure.  Good poker face.

I just hope   it is so.


Well bed time here.  Notice how hard it is to get a decent pillow these days.   You have to wear in in,

like a saddle,  pound it into submission,  and just when you start to get it all submissive and comfortable,

it collapses like a  temperamental soufflé .     OH . .   wait a minute..   now I see why its so   lumpy . .

Handcuffs . . .!           Yikes..😊


You look after yourself dear  Apple..                                                                      tonys..



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