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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

No wonder you are still rattled, @Dimity . I would be devastated if that happened to me with my psychologist. 🫂


Does moving branches from the storm affect your back? Please be careful... 🤞


Yes, I did manage to tackle some bags on the floor on Weds. But it was slow progress, disinfecting as I went. There are now only 9 bags on the kitchen floor that I need to clear. If I can clear them without needing to put any of them in the shed, that will be a real victory. 


My agoraphobia has eased a bit thankfully and I was able to go to work yesterday. It was a good but very busy day. 


I was so tired last night that I didn't put out the recycling bin, for the first time ever. The lady at the council had told me last week that the bin trucks start at 6am, so I put my bin out this morning at 6. However my neighbours' recycling bins had already been collected. I must admit I had always thought the trucks started earlier than 6am. I will ring the council again today to ask. 


How did you get on yesterday with your many tasks? 


Sending hugs ❤️

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

What a nuisance re your bin @NatureLover . At least it wasn't your general waste. I hope you can catch up without overflow.

I was a bit sore after sawing branches but nothing serious. It's all done now, unless the neighbour throws more branches over the fence.

Well done with the bags, and for getting to work. It can take an effort of will.

I got all of the jobs done yesterday if you count making a start on the livingroom. And I got my errands done today. I'll have to try to find a sprinkler to water the back garden.

I wish you all the very best for the weekend. 




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

You're kidding - your neighbour throws branches over the fence into your private garden?! @Dimity Wow, your neighbours (all except one I think?) are a real menace!


I'm glad your back wasn't too bad after clearing up the branches. 


You're right, if it had been my general waste I would've been stuffed. 


Well done on your achievements yesterday. 🙂 Do you have the sprinkler somewhere in your house? 


I didn't achieve much yesterday but felt exhausted from my big day on Thursday, so I gave myself the day off. It was nice and relaxing. Which means today and Sunday I need to use my limited energy wisely and try to achieve lots. I had meant to go out to 2 supermarkets (for different things) yesterday, as I prefer to stay home on the weekends, but now will have to do that this morning. I do feel better today though (so far) so that's OK. 


Well done on making a start on the living room stuff. Are you hoping to continue it today? Good luck... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @tyme , I saw on another thread that you wrote that depression is only depression if you don't know the cause. I had understood that it was still depression even if there was a clear reason for it. 


Can I ask you to clarify further? Only if you have time...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hey @NatureLover ,


After I typed that comment about depression, I realised I may not have been clear enough. I tried to be clear using the fewest words possible.


Thanks for reaching out to clarify.


What I meant was, if something happens, a person can feel 'bad' and 'sad', but it doesn't mean they are 'depressed'. However, if this continues past the 'bad', 'sad' stage so that you continue to feel low even if the cause is not current, then depression is something to look out for.


If I remember correctly, the member was saying that they no longer get out and find it really hard to do things. They've also had depression and TMS in the past. After having 'recovered', they are now finding themselves running back to bed (besides the reason for needing to sleep), then it may be sign of depression as opposed to being 'sad' over an incident.


Is this a little clearer?


Sorry if I continue to confuse you.


Hope you are okay.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @tyme , thanks for clarifying above. I appreciate it!

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I really appreciate you reaching out and asking. I recognise my post may not have been clear in the first place so I apologise.


Hope you are well. Have you been volunteering much lately? @NatureLover 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @tyme , no need to apologise 🙂


Thanks for popping in, I appreciate it 🙂 Yes, I've been getting to my volunteer job. It helps me to feel competent about something, when I'm not competent at home (to manage the house, among other things). 


Do you like the upcoming heat here in Melbourne? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I miss you... Sending care and wishes for you... I hope you're safe ❤️

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , not sure if you have notifications turned on or not, but just wanted to send you some care and support through the screen...I miss you and am hoping your OK... Well, if not OK, then safe. ❤️

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