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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

OK here @Sunnyside226 🙂

And you ? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Shaz51  I am getting there  just feel like a low battery  

How's your day going?  


I'm just confused about sane  


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Why what’s wrong? I can help I been on here for ages @Sunnyside226

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@ArraDreaming  I feel like everything I say it's wrong  


Like last night when I said I had to go 

I come back to my post being removed

Because it might off been triggering for members I wasn't gone for that long it's like sane just wants to give you little time to explain yourself  


I just feel like I get  more pushed around here   

There's lots more members on here that say more things then I do 

How I was meant to know ( something serious is happening) would be upsetting  yet it wasn't me that was doing anything bad  I just didn't want to be rude and not reply to a member and have them thinking I am ignoring them 


If this makes sense? 

I am not trying to start anything I just want to understand 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I think becaus it can be implied you have hurt yourself or someone else, in a mental health forum when you are already upset or distressed if you then post “an emergency is happening I have to go” that leaves people worried, @Sunnyside226 people don’t know if you are referring to yourself or not you could have deliberately hurt yourself or something, instead next time you could say “hey I gotta go, all good somethings come up I’m ok, talk soon”
if you just leave it that’s fine too, you never have to reply to things straight away (although if you are very upset and indicating that you might do something to hurt yourself people get worried if you just drop off) so it’s always helpful if you can to just say you have to go but yiu’re ok @Sunnyside226 w

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I think it always comes down to the nature of this thread @Sunnyside226 where you have indicated many times that you feel like hurting yourself, so if you say on this thread that an emergency is happening, it makes people worried.
If I was just talking on another thread and we were talking about dogs or something really lighthearted on there and I said “gotta go an emergency is happening” it might ring less alarm bells but because this thread frequently has posts like that it makes me people EVEN MORE WORRIED

People are here to support you and others, not knock you down, sometimes things have to be removed to protect you and others

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

If you feel like everything you say is wrong (I’m implying that means everything you say is being pulled up by moderators as risky) then it might be an indication that a form of intensive 1/1 support for your intense ideation and feelings might be an option?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@ArraDreaming  I wasn't meaning last night was for me   sorry o could off said it like I had to go  I didn't think it would upset anyone I do apologise  

When I was replying to someone on here last night I was on the phone to the ambulance  I just said it has a quick  response  if I did upset anyone I am sorry   it wasn't my intention  



How are you today? @ArraDreaming 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

You know, @Sunnyside226 you never have to respond to people on here right?
Like if you are in a moment like that you really don’t have to worry about us?
Sure, it’s helpful for us to know you’re ok, and particularly if you already been posting you are upset, but if you don’t answer us someone will check in on you, you can just focus on what you have to do, and maybe “it’s an emergency” probably incited more worry in people than not responding at all.
Because we were having an alright convo, I think from memory, if you had just dropped my thoughts would have been like oh flowerlove22 is just busy now, I hope they have a good night, maybe fallen asleep or something but the message “it’s an emergency” invites worry and fear to people…. it plants an idea if peoples heads that something is wrong @Sunnyside226

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yeah, I’m not too bad today thanks @Sunnyside226 although I have to get going now got some stuff to do with my family 🙂