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Disappearing topics?


I just tried to make a post of a new topic under what's new etc about cognitive games training and it seems to have disappeared into the wide blue yonder. Some sort of message about a mismatched topic? Can you please retrieve it from cyberspace by any chance?

Best regards,


PS I'm pretty sure it was right on topic actually because I was explaning how the way I use these games has helped me manage my PTSD triggering much better. I also mentioned their blogs which cover lots of research topics.



Re: Disappearing topics?

Hi Kristin,


Can you check if it's gone to "Auto saved drafts". You can check this by:

- Clicking on your name, which is in blue towards the top right of the screen

- Find 'Auto Saved Drafts' in a grey box on the right hand side of your profile

The error message is helpful - thanks for passing that on. That shouldn't have happened based on what you are writing & where you were writing it. It can't decipher between the content of the posts.

If you can get back to me and let me know if it's in your auto drafts or not, that will be helpful.

Thanks for reporting this stuff - it's really important & helpful



Re: Disappearing topics?

Hi Nik,

Just FYI I have a reply from Kristin to you (Re:Honesty) sitting in 'm_y__e_m_a_i_l' inbox that was posted on 15-08-2014 09:59 PM but (unless I am doing something wrong) is nowhere to be found on the forum??

Regards, Jake

p.s. I had to use a 'work around' to post this email, the program blocked my message because of the word string 'm_y__e_m_a_i_l'

The message body contains 'm_y__e_m_a_i_l', which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post.

Re: Disappearing topics?

Can you forward it to

Thanks 🙂
PS: did you put your own red message in there - or did you just copy & paste it because it's the msg you got when you tried to enter that phrase

Re: Disappearing topics?

Hi Nik,

Msg is forwarded - I copied & pasted the red error msg, had to use a work around though.

Regards, Jake


Re: Disappearing topics?

How strange!! I thought I saw this earlier too.
I will email Kristin & see if she did anything unusual to the post.


Re: Disappearing topics?


I think I found a clue for disappearing posts!

I had been working on a post before dinner, but had to leave it part way. When I came back I finished it off & got an Authentication failed message. When I hit post it vanished. Because it had autosaved earlier most of it is there in my drafts. So maybe the ones which vanish altogether are ones which have just been written which get an "authentication fail" but haven't been long enough to have been autosaved?

Worth checking out. Now we just need to know what causes that error message! Then we can test whether we can deliberately make a post disappear (recreate those conditions) then we'll know what to warn people about - or even better get it fixed!



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